We’ve all had that moment where we’ve arrived at our 6pm yoga class, frazzled from the day and desperate for some rest and relaxation, only to find that somehow we’ve ended up next to the most flexible person in the world. Someone who can not only naturally touch their toes, but also do the perfect Pigeon and get into Dancer without assistance. Well, fear not. Yoga blocks are a great way to deepen your flexibility and enhance your practice by giving you the support you require. They are also great modifiers when you’re not quite ready for a full pose. Can’t get your hands on the floor? Doesn’t matter – the block can help. Need something to lean on as you practise Warrior 3? The block is your friend. Read More...
We’ve all had that moment where we’ve arrived at our 6pm yoga class, frazzled from the day and desperate for some rest and relaxation, only to find that somehow we’ve ended up next to the most flexible person in the world. Someone who can not only naturally touch their toes, but also do the perfect Pigeon and get into Dancer without assistance.
Source: 7 best yoga blocks | The Independent
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